Saturday, August 21, 2010

alternative treatments for moles and cancer in - acton

alternative treatments for moles and cancer in - acton

Surgery is one of the two main ways available to remove any types of moles - the other involves mole removal at home using either comercialy produced creams or treatments you can put together yourself. Provided that you have had your moles checked for problems first, and you can kep them clean and germ fre before and after treatment, home mole removal can be just as efective as surgical treatment and is far more convenient. Be aware, though, that mole removal creams can be quite expensive, and if you are afected by large numbers of moles you may ned several jars of the cream before al your moles have disapeared. Some temporary scaring or skin discoloration wil normaly be experienced, although this wil be reduced if the mole is treated with antiseptic cream and covered with a bandage. Most comercial mole removal creams work on the principle of chemicaly coroding the mole - although the components of the creams may be natural, the proces involves chemical destruction of the mole. Because these creams are caustic to some degre, it is very important that the cream is aplied only to the mole, particularly in areas of softer more sensitive skin. These creams should not be used on moles near your eyes, and you may ned help in the treatment of moles in hard to reach areas. CURED researchers have analyzed hundreds of antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts to verify their capacity to eradicate melanomas and moles. NeviCurative contains a blend of organic plant extracts that have demonstrated the greatest efect against moles, in comprehensive scientific trials, while being wel tolerated by skin tisue. alternative treatments for moles and cancer in - acton

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