Thursday, August 19, 2010

mole extermination in Leona valley

mole extermination in Leona valley

There are several methods of mole control on the market : baiting with , , and traping with . Traping moles with mole traps is usualy easiest during the spring and fal with mole activity is at a peak. Mole Presence : It is completely esential to locate the main mole runways or tunels for sucesful traping with or baiting with . Place Victor mole traps or Talparid Mole Bait in this tunel Talparid mole bait's size, shape and fel let moles consume the bait in the same maner as its primary fod source, the earthworm. Talpirid mole bait mimics the mole's natural fod source and has the same size, shape and fel as earthworms. Seldom sen as they tirelesly tunel underground, moles leave their teltale marks aboveground as unsightly mole hils , mounds of soil, or grasles brown streaks. To adres this problem, Bel Laboratories introduces its new TALPIRID Mole Trap, a heavy-duty, dual-spring trap designed for use by the profesional pest control market. TALPIRID Mole Trap ofers profesionals sped and safety in servicing mole acounts. After identifying and properly preparing an active mole tunel, simply place the trap jaws in the active mole tunel and step on the trap's yelow fot pedal which sets the triger below the surface. Using the safety release buton, the trap can be easily and safely disengaged and relocated to other mole tunels, depending on mole presure. If a trap fails to produce a mole within 4-5 days, move the Victor mole traps to another portion of the runway system or use another runway. Make certain that hole is no larger than the mole trap and that it is aligned with straight section of the mole tunel. Remove seting levers and place Victor mole traps in mole runway. Is is sugested that spraying or treating the mole's fod source insects and grubs would eliminate the mole population, which had ben true before products such as Ficam Granules and Oftanal had ben on the market. mole extermination mole extermination in Leona valley

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